Mental and physical health. Spiritual exercises of ignatius de loyola is a collection of prayers, meditations and contemplative practices that help strengthen the connection of people to God. They have been utilized over time as a period of about 30 days of retreat, in solitude and silence. Over the years, there was a revival of an interest in religious activities. The preferred method for doing the exercises can be to “retreat” to a more peaceful routine. It is a monthly period of prayer and the following discussion with a spiritual adviser. Modern life has allowed for the modification of the exercise in various methods.
The exercises, in the words of Ignatius they have as their objective the conquering of oneself as well as the way to govern of one’s life in such the way that none of one’s choices can be made because of any attachment that is excessive. The spiritual director can help those taking part to comprehend the significance of the exercises and define their retreat. Spiritual Exercises are used as a manual for retreat directors and not for the retreat attendees. 5r7cezkeoj.