Which State Pays Security Guards the Best? – Economic Development Jobs


What are the states that security guards earn substantial amount of money? These are the states where security guards could get a good salary. The top position is Hawaii. Security guards earn up to 15.75USD per hour. So why does that happen? Hawaii is the one with the most expensive cost of living. The cost of security is also extremely high in Hawaii. North Dakota is fourth, which has security officers earning close to $16.30 an hour. Security personnel can earn substantial money in this state even though it’s one of the least expensive. This is because of huge demand for security services. Another state that is next is Washington state where security guards make an average of 16.78 per hour.
In second place is Washington DC where they earn as much as $19.62 per hour. Number one is Alaska which pays security guards earn $20.30 each hour. Given the significance in the industry of energy that is expected to grow, this can be achieved. Thus, the demand for security personnel is very high. It is important for those who want to become security guards to comprehend the differing salaries in the different states so that they can decide which is the best for them.

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