One third of all eCommerce transactions generated in 2011 were online flight and travel booking services, which is itself a testament to the importance of the right level 3 processing solution for any business that wants to be successful in the current age of digital commerce. B2B credit card processing is vital if you want to be able to stay in the game when there are so many competitors that already have their own processing solutions and systems in place. The right payment processing companies should be able to offer you secure, fast level 3 processing that can help you to stay connected with the businesses who may need your services or products, and do so in such a way that will provide you with the right history of those transactions.
The term level 3 processing refers to the highest level of details about transactions, which can include descriptions and quantities of the item, if a discount identifier is used, the ship from code, and much more. This information is very important with B2B payments for many different reasons, which could include security compliance, the ability to do business with government agencies, and more. With level 3 processing in place that is effective and efficient, you may be able to get the right systems through which you can properly handle transactions with accounts from around the world. Online payment systems can allow a business or a customer to exchange money electronically with you, all while using the proper security protocols. Your level 3 processing is part of one of the most secure services that a credit card company can provide, so be sure to find online payment system options that offer the best in level 3 solutions.
B2B business and consumer business are different, so internet merchant accounts need to account for that with different options. Companies that can offer you great level 3 processing services can usually also offer other services that B2B business demands as well, to keep your companies happy and the orders coming in on time. The number of online shoppers is expected to grow from 137 million in 2010, to around 175 million in the year 2016. To take advantage of this growing trend, it is best to have the right level 3 processing in place so that you can do business with the people who are interested in what you have to offer.