Did you know that over 65 percent of adult internet users use at least one social networking site? Similarly, 61 percent of businesses are using social media to talk with these users. Today, there are many ways to connect with consumers online. Increasing web visibility is important for businesses who want to attract new customers, and this is accomplished through a number of different web marketing techniques. Here is a run down of four main web marketing tools, and why they matter.
First, SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is an important part of increasing web visibility via search engine rankings. Content focused Seo companies concentrate on improving website rankings by creating quality content that appeals to search engine algorithms and is interesting to readers at the same time. This content also contains back links to increase site relevancy for searches. Did you know that about 80 percent of search engine users say that they almost always ignore sponsored links that appear at the top of searches? Ranking high organically for keywords relevant to the business is important for gaining a wider visibility.
Second, many companies are using PPC campaign management as a way to increase visibility through paid advertisement. PPC stands for Pay Per Click, and this setup promises a fair return since businesses only have to pay for consumers who are actually choosing to click the link. Since ads appear right away on different sites across the web, PPC services offer immediate visibility and return. Ppc campaign management is also useful because businesses are paying for clicks rather than overall visibility, so PPC campaign management ads will often be featured in very prominent online locations, such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing.
Third, having great web design is important for both increasing and maintaining web visibility. Did you know that if a page takes longer than four seconds to load, many users will click away and try another site? Similar results occur when users viewing websites with their phone find that the site has not been optimized for mobile devices. Having a quickly loading and mobile compatible website is important, since an inability for consumers to view the site itself affects the most basic level of website visibility. Web design companies help businesses create sites that are attractive, modern, easy to navigate, and compatible with multiple devices and web browsers.
Fourth, did you know that companies with blogs receive 55 percent more web traffic? Blogging is important for attracting users to websites and increasing visibility, since blogs greatly increase the number of pages available by site indexing. Keep in mind that blogs should be informative and interesting, rather than the same ad copy recycled post by post. People will come for the informative and relevant content, and stay for the associated products offered on the site. Read more blogs like this.
very interesting! I didnt realize blogging was so important, but it makes sense. It establishes authority on the subject youre talking about, and captures peoples interest in a way ads might not.
Infographics can also be useful, especially when youre targeting social media sites. People love sharing and looking at visual information as opposed to just paragraphs of text etc.
Infographics can also be useful, especially when youre targeting social media sites. People love sharing and looking at visual information as opposed to just paragraphs of text etc.
Infographics can also be useful, especially when youre targeting social media sites. People love sharing and looking at visual information as opposed to just paragraphs of text etc.
Infographics can also be useful, especially when youre targeting social media sites. People love sharing and looking at visual information as opposed to just paragraphs of text etc.
Infographics can also be useful, especially when youre targeting social media sites. People love sharing and looking at visual information as opposed to just paragraphs of text etc.
Infographics can also be useful, especially when youre targeting social media sites. People love sharing and looking at visual information as opposed to just paragraphs of text etc.