Often when searching for things people can misspell very important words, which may lead to strange results if it were not for auto correct spelling on most search engines. For instance if you were to search for cocitation analysis and accidentally type cociation analysis, you would not only get some weird sites, but it would also correct it for you to point you in the right direction. This way, businesses that are searched for will have an easier time being found despite spelling mistakes.
Did you know that over 20 percent of Google searches are for local businesses? This means that even if you spell a business name wrong, you are probably corrected, and thus you have added to this search factor. In October of 2012, Google rolled out a new Panda algorithm update that is expected to affect approximately two point four percent of English queries, to such an extent that users may take notice.
This is incredibly helpful for businesses who depend on web searches for a lot of their business. Co citation links for any given site can be found on the Google SERP page, under the similar links page. Co citation links are the way that some search engines measure the niche of the popularity of a website among other similarly categorized sites.
SEO citation helps with this, because they can help a business focus more on what they have to within the company rather than worrying about the searches themselves. Citation SEO and outsourcing SEO content creation to a white label reseller is a good option for small businesses who have neither the time nor the interest to research co citations.
So if you are worried that you spelled something wrong, such as the cociation analysis example, do not worry, as there are ways that the company or business you were trying to reach will be found easily for you. And if you are a business, there is also no cause to be worried, since SEO exists to offer help with regards to your web popularity.
I freaking love spell check but is it true that even if you spell it wrong that adds to the percentage of how popular the business is?
I freaking love spell check but is it true that even if you spell it wrong that adds to the percentage of how popular the business is?
I freaking love spell check but is it true that even if you spell it wrong that adds to the percentage of how popular the business is?
I freaking love spell check but is it true that even if you spell it wrong that adds to the percentage of how popular the business is?
I freaking love spell check but is it true that even if you spell it wrong that adds to the percentage of how popular the business is?