Did you know that the laws that protect workers on land are different but similar to the ones that protect those who work on the sea? Here are a few facts about the ways that workers compensation and expatriate compensation differs for those who work on the sea rather than land.
1. The Merchant Seaman Protection and Relief Act of 1920 is a law designed to create a similar protection which is provided by workers compensation. Longshore and harbor workers compensation acts are meant to provide support for people injured while working as a longshoreman, seaman, or other marine related positions.
2. Maritime claims for Longshore workers compensation generally refer to claims by persons working offshore on oil platforms, boats, cargo ships and other sea faring vessels or along docks, sea terminals or river ways. The nature of the jobs require that injury claims be handled under a different set of laws.
3. Section 27, better known as the Jones Act, which is also known as Jones Act workers compensation, deals with coastal shipping and requires that all goods transported by water between United States ports must be transported in U.S. flag ships, constructed in the United States, owned by U.S. citizens, and crewed by U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents.
4. There are upwards of 155,000 contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan alone, with thousands more supporting United State operations around the globe. Many of these contractors maintain expatriate status and are given expatriate compensation.
5. Injuries resulting in death are another special case under the Defense Base Act and require the cases to be handled by Defense base act attorneys. Death benefits include reasonable funeral expenses up to 3,000 dollars. Survivors also receive benefits based on the average weekly wages of the worker who has lost their life.