Just about everyone is familiar with seeing cooling towers that dot the landscape here and there. You usually see them in pairs. These towers, referred to as cells by a cooling tower manufacturer, operate independently. They come in pairs from the cooling power manufacturer, and are in pairs in case one goes down so the other can act as a backup.
Various companies use cooling towers to remove heat generated during a manufacturing process. Cooling tower systems are useful for cooling down heat during operations in nuclear power plants, oil refineries and chemical plants. When there is a large scale need to remove heat from the production process it must be removed or cooled safely. A cooling tower manufacturer generally makes two basic types, which are the aeration tower systems and the closed loop cooling systems.
According to a cooling manufacturer, two types of temperatures are taken during the cooling process, which depend on the type of cooling system used. The first type is the web bulb air temperature, for the evaporation type cooling system. The second type is the dry bulb air temperature, for the dry air cooling system. HVAC systems for cooling buildings also use cooling towers. Companies that are looking to buy these towers for their processing needs should look for a cooling tower manufacturer that makes cooling towers that are CTI certified. Also, look for cooling towers that have at least a 5 year warranty and that have very low maintenance needs. The best type of cooling tower is a seamless cooling tower as there are not worries about problems with seams, panels and rivets needing repair.