When it comes time to choosing a daycare or choosing a private school, you are in for some tough decisions. And there are oh so many different factors for you to consider. If you send your child to private school, that means that you need to find summer child care, whereas daycare can be year round. Yes, private school tuition can be expensive, but so can some child care facilities, and think about private vs public schools.
Regardless of what you pick, your child needs to be ready for it. Day care first began with the welfare and reform movements in the 19th century. And it has always been to prepare your child for schooling and life. It is incredibly helpful if your child is self sufficient, like being able to put on clothes and comb hair, before they enter into preschool. Growing up, your child is going to be a marvelous little machine. At two, your child will be more active than any other time in their life. At three, your child will have about 1,000 trillion brain cell connections, which is about twice as many as the average adult. And at four, your child will ask an average of 437 questions in a single day!
Kids are malleable. Those little bundles of clay need the best environment and learning that they can get as they begin to grow. Only you can decide whether it is important enough to pay for private school tuition. More info like this. More like this blog.
never send ur kid 2 private school. total waste of money. just teach them urself or send them to pucblic school. whatver doesnt get taut there u teach
Let me guess. Public school for you? Is that how you advocate for public schools?
Let me guess. Public school for you? Is that how you advocate for public schools?
Let me guess. Public school for you? Is that how you advocate for public schools?
Let me guess. Public school for you? Is that how you advocate for public schools?
Let me guess. Public school for you? Is that how you advocate for public schools?