Why are you moving? If you are anything like your fellows, you are moving because a family member is ill, you need a new job, or you are striking out on your own after a messy divorce.
The good news is you have a clean slate, and Fort Lauderdale is a great place to start anew.
Why choose Fort Lauderdale as the next place you call home?
1. Life in the Fast Lane
There is always something to do in Fort Lauderdale. Its arts and entertainment faction boasts more than 120 nightclubs and 4,100 restaurants.
2. Fancy a Cruise?
Ft Lauderdale real estate is minutes away from Port Everglades, one of the largest cruise lines in the United States. With the third busiest port.
3. A Touch of Italy
Fort Lauderdale is also known as “Fort lauderdale the venice of america.” Why? Fort Lauderdale has one of the largest and most complex canal systems in the United States.
Miss Italy? Snatch up a home for sale in South Florida.
4. Inexpensive Homes
The best news is Fort Lauderdale real estate is not as expensive as it once was. In fact, real estate teams report that prices have almost been cut cleanly in half since 2005.
Real estate teams can help you find waterfront properties real estate and other choice homes before prices go back up.
10.5 million tourists every year escape to Fort Lauderdale. Make it your permanent escape. For more, read this link.
ft lauderdale is beautiful and im surpised youd didnt mention its nearby (or close enough anyway) to disney and universal studios. its not quite as busy as orlando, but its close enough that you can take the kids or grandkids!
That is a lot of nightclubs. Unfortunately, I don’t think many of the young people who would like to take advantage of that scene will be able to afford any real estate. Gives them a dream for the far future and retirement, tho.
That is a lot of nightclubs. Unfortunately, I don’t think many of the young people who would like to take advantage of that scene will be able to afford any real estate. Gives them a dream for the far future and retirement, tho.
That is a lot of nightclubs. Unfortunately, I don’t think many of the young people who would like to take advantage of that scene will be able to afford any real estate. Gives them a dream for the far future and retirement, tho.
That is a lot of nightclubs. Unfortunately, I don’t think many of the young people who would like to take advantage of that scene will be able to afford any real estate. Gives them a dream for the far future and retirement, tho.
That is a lot of nightclubs. Unfortunately, I don’t think many of the young people who would like to take advantage of that scene will be able to afford any real estate. Gives them a dream for the far future and retirement, tho.