Is the website for your company in dire need of help? Do you hardly ever get traffic to your site? Do you wish that there was something that you could do to fix things and grow your business? One of the first things that you should do is look into search engine optimization, or SEO, as a way to raise your Google rankings. Here are a few reasons that you should look into investing into SEO reseller plans as a way to help save your business.
1. Though these day Google holds the future of most of the companies on the internet in the palm of its massive internet hand, there was a time when that was not the case. When Google was still in the research phase, its founders used LEGO bricks to create a storage compartment for the 10 four gigabyte hard drives they were using to test the PageRank algorithm.
2. The PageRank algorithm and process was named for Larry Page, one of the co founders of Google.
3. Though you may think that sponsored are the way to go, you might want to rethink that notion. Between 70 and 80 percent of Internet search engine users pay no attention to sponsored results, and instead choose organic results.
4. Companies that blog have an astounding 434 percent more indexed pages, resulting in more leads and usually more income.
5. Close to 60 percent of business to business marketers claim that search engine optimization has the largest influence on their lead generation. Even if this is not something that you are looking for, having more traffic make it to your site can only be good for you and your business in the long run.
More on this: hubshout.com