Have you ever wondered about the difference between cargo vessel parts and equipment and cruise vessel parts and equipment? An ocean liner may be luxurious, but it is not very efficient. Ocean liners require high fuel consumption, deep draught preventing them from going into shallow ports, enclosed weatherproof decks that are not suited for tropical weather, and cabins that are designed to hold the greatest number of passengers rather than maximize comfort. As well, unlike parts of cargo vessel, a cruise ship is made up of parts that encourage consumption. The crew and passengers on a single cruise ship eat an average of 20,000 pounds of beef, 28,000 eggs, 8,000 gallons of ice cream, and 18,000 slices of pizza in a single week!
Parts of cargo vessel, on the other hand, are designed with maximum efficiency in mind. Whereas dedicated transport oriented ocean liners do “line voyages” that typically transport passengers from one place to another, rather than on round trips, a cargo vessel must make a full voyage to one place and back again. This means that a cargo vessel must have a supply of spare parts on hand. The parts of cargo vessel must be easily interchangeable, which is not the case for a cruise ship.
Adequate provisioning is an essential element of both cargo and cruise ships. However, it is especially relevant to a cruise ship that serves meals to several thousand passengers at once. This is not the case for a cargo ship. There are no parts of cargo vessel designed to allow for such mass consumption. Though, of course, having enough food for the crew opf a cargo ship is needed and must be considered when building the parts of cargo vessel. References: globalmarinecare.com
My husband and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas last year. It was lovely. We were nervous because of all that recent craziness with cruise ships breaking down, but we had a great time.
That is terrific! I would be very nervous about going on a cruise after all that nuttiness took place. I cannot imagine being stranded without food or anything for days on end.
That is terrific! I would be very nervous about going on a cruise after all that nuttiness took place. I cannot imagine being stranded without food or anything for days on end.
That is terrific! I would be very nervous about going on a cruise after all that nuttiness took place. I cannot imagine being stranded without food or anything for days on end.
That is terrific! I would be very nervous about going on a cruise after all that nuttiness took place. I cannot imagine being stranded without food or anything for days on end.
That is terrific! I would be very nervous about going on a cruise after all that nuttiness took place. I cannot imagine being stranded without food or anything for days on end.