Staying Safe on the Job

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More fatal accidents occur in the construction industry than in any other. Despite OSHA regulations designed to secure the safety of America’s construction workers, accidents continue to happen, annually rendering thousands injured or even dead. Though working to complete training exercises and to maintain compliance with regulations is essential to the protection of workers, even more essential is personal responsibility. Among the measures workers can take to protect themselves is proper use of traffic safety apparel and other protective equipment.

Hard Hats

Provided by many traffic safety equipment suppliers and construction supply companies, Bullard hard hats are designed to protect the heads of workers in construction and industrial environments. However, they’re only effective when worn properly. Make sure the harness of suspensions create a gap between the head and the top of the hat. It should fit snugly so that it doesn’t fall off, but shouldn’t cause discomfort. Bullard brand hats in particular are high quality and are made in the U.S.

High Visibility Jacket

Sold by traffic safety equipment suppliers, high visibility jackets are intended to make workers more visible to oncoming traffic and to one another during day or night. Most incorporate the use of extremely bright colors as well as retroreflective stripes. Beginning in 2008, federal U.S. law requires all personnel working on federally funded highways to wear high visibility vests.

Safety Glasses and Industrial Ear Plugs

OSHA uses standards set by the American National Standards Institute to make sure that safety glasses provide adequate protection for workers. The ANSI Z87.1 standard includes requirements for eye protection devices including:

  • Adequate protection against the hazards for which they are designed
  • Reasonably comfortable
  • Fit securely without interfering with movement or vision
  • Capable of being disinfected and easy to clean
  • Durable

Safety glasses Z87 compatible are essential to construction safety. Industrial ear plugs are also necessary for the protection of workers’ hearing.


3m 8511 respirators are designed to provide protection for the lungs against certain non oil based particles while 3m 8210 respirators protect against dust and pollen. Traffic safety equipment suppliers sell respirators as well as 3m respirator cartridges. Recommended by the Center for Disease Control for protection against airborne viruses and diseases, the 8210 can protect against even the most dangerous viruses like SARS and the Avian Bird Flue. As such, they are also extremely effective for protection against solid and liquid aerosols and are said to be at least 95% efficient with filtration.

Traffic safety equipment suppliers make a wide range of products available that can keep construction and industrial workers safe. Regardless of what requirements are set by OSHA, it is always the responsibility of workers to make sure they are wearing appropriate equipment properly in order to prevent illness and injury. More like this article.

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