The Emerald Ash Borer was first discovered in the United States in 2002 in the state of Michigan. Emerald Ash Borer control is such a widespread issue because, since 2002, the Emerald Ash Borer is known to have spread across the country, infesting 17 other US states as well as 2 Canadian provinces. The Emerald Ash Borer has killed tens of millions Ash trees since being discovered in America. The main reason Emerald Ash Borer control is becoming so important and implemented is because we are seeing Ash trees, seemingly, head toward extinction. Today, signs are posted to warn people, mostly tourists and traveling peoples, not to use their own firewood because it may lead to the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer in an otherwise uncontaminated area.
Emerald Ash borer treatment is extremely important to the environmental habitat that our country has come to know and depend on. Nowadays, environmental officials are trying to come up with a plan to ensure the longevity of the Ash trees. Emerald ash borer control plans have been put in place in areas with high ash tree density as a precaution. Ash Borer control is important when it comes to environmental preservation because of how quickly these beetles can wipe out a local Ash tree population if the Ash Borer control is not successful. It is suggested that people try to educate themselves on Ash Borer control because they are not entirely well known throughout the country either.
No single plan of attack for Emerald Ash Borer has been known to work, or not work for that matter, and the results are not nearly as noticeable as people had hoped. Despite what is common belief, the adult Emerald Ash Borer simply eats the plants whereas the eggs and larvae are responsible for eating and wiping out the insides of an Ash tree. This process is responsible for inhibiting the ability for the tree to transport water and other nutrients to the rest of the tree. It might be wise to discuss Emerald ash borer control with a companies who do landscaping in Lake Bluff or landscaping in Liberyville to get an idea of how you might be able to contain the problem should it come your way.