Windshields were not introduced until 1904 although gas powered vehicles were already being manufactured by the late 19th century. The original windshields were plate glass. They pose serious safety hazards so they were soon replaced by laminate windshield. While it was Mary Anderson from Alabama was the one credited for inventing the windshield wiper. In 1903 she designed the wiper after observing poor visibility in a NYC streetcar. With the advances in car and glass technology, today there are now different ways to repair your windshield. However, the one thing that you should know is that the windshield should be replaced if the crack is more than six inches long or if it touches the edge of the windshield. If your windshield has a crack or is totally broken here are the most important facts that you should know.
First, if your windshield needs to be repaired, make sure you hire professional auto glass replacement AZ company. Although there are many repair kits that you can buy today, you need to make sure that the repair is done by professionals because your windshield is one of the most important parts of your vehicle when it comes to safety. You cannot simply trust these kits. Instead have the windshield repaired by a professional auto glass repair phoenix company. Now, the verb defenestrate means to throw someone or something out of the window. If this is what occurred in your window, similarly bring it to a professional auto glass phoenix az company.
Second, make sure that you bring your car to a professional auto glass replacement AZ company and not just to any auto glass AZ company. The difference between the two is that a professional company will give you quality service as well as quality materials and supplies, in this case an original equipment manufacturer or OEM and the best adhesive. Thus, make sure that the Arizona auto glass company is a member of the National Glass Association. Auto glass replacement AZ companies that are members of the NGA have certified technicians who were specifically rained by the manufacturers to repair or restore the car to its original condition.
Third, generally auto glass replacement AZ companies offer in shop or mobile repair and replacement. This means that you can either bring the car to the auto glass Phoenix shop or you can ask them to come to your home to do the repair or replacement. If you are busy and have no time to bring your car to the auto glass Phoenix AZ shop, then you can call them to just come over to do the job. The additional cost may be worth it if you really have no time to spare. For a lot of people they would rather bring the car to the auto glass replacement AZ shop because the mobile charge can be quite high depending on the auto glass replacement AZ company. More.