Have You Been Charged With a DUI? Here are a Few Facts You Need to Know About Hiring a Lawyer – Accident Attorneys Florida

In the United States, there are around 3700 deaths due to car crashes each daily. Read on to find out more about what the consequences are of driving while impaired.

It is it feasible to go in prison for the first time in the aftermath of a dui?

Yes. Judges often sentence individuals who are accused of driving while under the influence to the prison or in jail when they are found to have an extremely large blood alcohol content when someone is injured or if there was reckless driving involved. In certain regions, drunk drivers may also face vehicular or homicide charges. These cases can carry the risk of a lengthy time in jail. Be sure to consult an attorney prior to settling any decision.

If you are ticketed to be convicted of a DUI?

The decision is based on the state where the crime was committed and other factors such as the defendant’s blood-alcohol levels. There are instances where defendants are released on notice to appear on their next court date . There are other cases where the defendant is required to appear in front of the judge in order to post a bond before being legally eligible to be released. yb51e2521g.

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